Service Information

I provide both consultant teacher services  and resource room services to students at St. Joseph School and Charles Finney School.  If your child has an individual education plan (IEP) it will come from Penfield Central School District, regardless of the district you live in.  The services are listed below.


Consultant Teacher:  As a consultant teacher I push into general classrooms to work directly with students in core classes.  I work directly with the students and teachers to ensure the students are receiving the required supports and modifications as listed in their IEP's.  This is called consultant teacher direct services.  If I meet with the teacher outside of class it is called consultant teacher indirect services.  This is where I would meet with the teacher to discuss the student's progress in class or adjustments we need to make in their program.    This can be a daily service or a weekly service for students.


Resource Room Service:  As a special education teacher I am able to pull students out of class to work in another location as needed if they have resource room.  In resource room I am able to work on specific goals from their IEP's, provide test accomodations, or reteach concepts that they may not fully understand.  This service most often occurs every day.


If you have questions about special education services please speak directly with your child's teacher.